Hi! I’m Elisa

    I’m Elisa: writer, book editor, soon-to-be-wife, and aspiring hostess-with-the-mostest. I write about books, writer’s block, lessons in love and friendship, and making my 30s the best decade yet. This blog is the place where I write about my real life. I call it A Page in Her Diary because 1) my last name is Page, and how could I resist? and 2) I love my diary. In fact, journalling in my own voice about everyday life was the only kind of creative writing I could do for years. Not only did it help me through a decade-long case of writer’s block, but it also helped me navigate the ups and downs.

    Now I’m engaged to the man of my dreams, growing a beautiful community of friends, and creating a life that’s me. But with all this change, fears and insecurities rear their ugly heads. For the lovely and the difficult, my remedy is the same: write it out.

    Current goals: write my first novel, plan fabulous (budget) wedding, build my business. Also: delve into interior design, learn how to garden, reduce compulsive eyebrow-raising, do face yoga, read more, host themed parties (reading parties?), create blissful relationship with man, and tolerable relationship with inherited dog.

    I’m excited to share my life (and occasional life lessons) with you here. I hope you’ll sit down and stay a while.